Sunday, November 9, 2008

Night of Musical interludes

photo by Jessica Babineau

Dear boys,

If you want me to fall in love with you, get yourself some Buddy Holly glasses. More on that later.

Friday night was a delightful night of sushi and musical interludes with the library girls (and boy). At the beginning of the term Alison saw that I liked Feist via my facebook profile (oh facebook, you do help make friends in real life!). As Alison is a very smart lady, she had bought two tickets for an upcoming Feist show before she had any friends, with the plan to use them to lure people into her web of awesome. I was the lucky luree.

So the show was Friday - at a giant stadium (I haven't been to a stadium show since I was fourteen and I went to see No Doubt and Weezer). It was really great! Feist was amazing as per usual with her ridiculously lustrous vocals. It was quite awesome to watch her on stage with a guitar being all rock-goddess-y too. She was such a little nymph - full of raw feminine. She is very fun to watch. Even better, there was a cool projection/shadow puppet-type show going on along to all of the songs, and parts of it were amazing! I loved that there was always something to see as well as hear.

photo by Jessica Babineau

Hayden opened - and as we were watching (he has really developed nicely as an artist), I turned to Alison and asked: Do you ever develop musician crushes when you go to shows? Apparently only once.

I, however, am notorious for it (if only in my own head). I have an awful predisposition towards musicians, especially when they are on stage. At almost every show I go to there is at least one person on stage to whom I am eternally devoted for the night. I am not a groupie. I don't go find them after or anything. But anyways.

The logical progression to this story is that I, of course, had developed a crush on one of the band members. The guitar player. The one with the vest and the Buddy Holly glasses. This was from half a stadium away.

The rest of the group had been talking about going to see Cuff the Duke play at the Seahorse, and I had been skeptical of the ten dollar cover charge. I actually haven't gone to see a band play in a small venue where there won't be enough seats for a very long time. Plus, I had never even heard Cuff the Duke, although I have heard people wax poetic about them more than once. So I probably wasn't going to go. Until I found out my (pseudo)boyfriend would be there. Nothing gets me to a party faster than the possibility of true love (ha).

So I went.

It was amazing! The power of music and cute boys.

Cuff the Duke were really fun, and there was lots of clapping and sing-a-longing, which I love. But what I loved even more were the opening band: The Wooden Sky. Eff. They wrote and sang songs that I would love to sing. It's like when you read a novel or story, or see a movie, and you want more than anything to have created it - that's what it was like listening to them. It made me really want to be part of a band. A lot. So if you want to start a band... I want to sing. I'm sorry, I tried not to, but I do. So if you also want to be the lead singer, it probably won't work. Anyways, that was unrelated.

So yeah: I think I will be buying an album for the first time in years.

Here is The Wooden Sky:


Anonymous said...

I love Hayden and Cuff The Duke is awesome. I haven't heard any of their new stuff though just their first album. Is it good?

. said...

i want you to fall in love with me

Ange Friesen said...

I don't really fall in love over the internet anymore.

Anonymous said...

OMG I was so gonna poke fun but won't. Recording Connection is the only path I know that trains you in the industry on real projects (sometimes like the concert you just went to) to make it in the industry.

Anonymous said...

You saw Hayden? Hayden gets me all emo!!

And I know what you mean...I generally have that thing with musicians too...its embarassing. and a thing for dating cliche.

how was sushi?

Ange Friesen said...

Alicia - I can't differentiate between albums... I don't know the difference. But everything they played was good.

Alex - I know - I am entirely aware of my own ridiculousness in this regard. And sushi was good.


Email me at thenewisthetrue (at) gmail .com
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Toronto, Canada
I think I might be addicted to books. And noodles. I need the ocean. I want to know everything. Almost. I love love. And loving things. Like love. And like.
